inDMS: Document Management System, making environment paper free
Getting into environment friendly activities is not only the duty but is also an initiative of companies to make our planet a healthy living place. Organisations going paper free is a vital step to automate tasks and keep yourself hectic free. Softwares are capable not only to complete the tasks assigned but also by incorporating intelligent technology they are capable to manage documents and files related to business.
inDMS is a comprehensive Document Management software package capable of managing and handling large number of files in an organised fashion. inDMS handles documents of all types very technically that are easily organised occupying less space and fetchable with easy search tools.
Cloud deployment is another attractive technical feature of inDMS, reducing hardware and maintenance cost of the application. Cloud deployment enables an application to get accessed irrespective of geographical location increasing its flexibility to be utilised from anywhere.
Coming to the point of mobile support, inDMS is absolutely mobile supportive, extending its usability spectrum. Mobile inDMS is cross platform based giving you the freedom to get it installed on any mobile platform.
Technical features:
- Easily customizable
- Portable
- Flexible
- Mobile app supportive
- Platform independent